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Value Engineering: Let's discuss how we can help lower your project costs!
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This page discusses the typical requirements for inspections so that a project can be certified by the Engineer of Record. Please note that this is provided for convenience and informational purposes only and shall not be considered engineering advice. Requirements vary by project.
Please note that if the Engineer is not contacted for the required inspections (site observations) he may not be in the position to certify the project.
WHEN: After the subgrade is compacted (with passing densities) and before the baserock is placed.
FREQUENCY: Stringline at every grade stake or as directed by engineer.
MATERIALS NEEDED: Personnel to stringline.
WHEN: After the baserock is compacted (with passing densities) and before the asphalt is placed.
FREQUENCY: Stringline at every grade stake or as directed by engineer.
MATERIALS NEEDED: Personnel to stringline.
WHEN: After subgrade is compacted (with passing densities). After sheeting and reinforcing steel is placed (if required in the documents) and before concrete is placed. Formwork shall be in final position and not require adjustment.
FREQUENCY: Each new prepared area.
WHEN: At the start of asphalt placement (after tack coat is down) and during the placement procedure.
FREQUENCY: At the beginning of new paving operations.
WHEN: After the final lift of pavement is placed.
FREQUENCY: At the end of all new areas of pavement.
WHEN: After the final placement of concrete and saw cuts are made.
FREQUENCY: At the end of all new areas of concrete.
Please note that if the Engineer is not contacted for the required inspections (site observations) he may not be in the position to certify the project.
WHEN: Just prior to trench backfill.
FREQUENCY: ALL pipe joints and connection to structures shall be exposed and observed prior to backfill.
MATERIALS NEEDED: Personnel to expose full circumference of the pipe and observe beneath filter fabric wrapping.
WHEN: Just prior to trench backfill.
FREQUENCY: ALL pipe joints shall be exposed and observed prior to backfill. Pipe restraints shall be installed where required.
MATERIALS NEEDED: Personnel expose full circumference of the pipe.
Under Construction
Please note that there shall be additional inspections required for municipalities and governmental agencies.
The following attachments may be useful for Contractors.
Jupiter Civil Engineering Company, LLC
5500 Military Trail, Ste 22-215, Jupiter, Florida 33458, United States